
Aug 10, 2010

Basmati Rice Milk, Quinoa Milk, and More Made at Home!

 Quinoa Milk (left), Basmati Rice Milk (Right)

Our family has this relationship with vanilla soy milk.  It's been the standard in our house, and since we gave up dairy, we buy at least 3 gallons or more at a time for our cereal-eating frenzies... seriously. 

For the longest time, I've been telling myself to look into making it myself- duh!  It's not like I gotta have a farm for soy cows, get up early and up-close-and-personal between a soy animal's legs to squeeze out some soy milk.  Do you think a soy animal would look like this?  Anyway...

No- all I gotta do is soak some beans.
Soyabella Soymilk Maker

Oh, and have a Soyabella Soymilk Maker (shameless plug)!

Yes, and in 15 minutes, you too could have a full quart of delicious unadulterated beautiful soy milk, exactly as the instructions describe.

But of course, that's not all it can do.  I had to experiment with it, at least to make this post more interesting!  It already gives instructions on making fresh brewed coffee, rice porridge, rice paste, and nut milks.  But there was nothing on rice milks, which is a popular staple in a lot of vegan households.  So after experimenting, I found that it makes a gorgeously smooth and delicious basmati rice milk, again in 15 minutes.  Just put in 3/4 cup of cooked rice, fill the pitcher with water, and turn it on!  I loved the lovely fragrant aroma of the basmati rice.

But my favorite so far is a rich delicious Quinoa Milk with a hint of roasted sesame.  So easy to make!
 Blend of Quinoa and Sesame Seeds

Just put in 1/2 cup of quinoa plus 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds, fill the pitcher with water, and run for 15 minutes.  The resulting milk tasted smooth, but had little flecks of quinoa, so to make it look smooth (optional) I blended it and added a splash of vanilla extract and a squeeze of agave nectar.  If you like the taste of quinoa, you'll love this rich, nutty milk!

Here's how it goes:  Remove the top, and snap on the above grinding chamber.  Then put in water, and put the whole thing back together.   Push a button and wait for it to beep.

 Quinoa Pulp

The left-over soy bean pulp (called okara), can be used in a variety of different recipes.  The quinoa pulp resembled cream of wheat, so I added some brown sugar and a little quinoa milk, and it was delicious!
My Review:
The Soybella Maker is fairly easy to clean (just have to make sure not to get the electronics wet), and it works fast.  It can get pretty noisy,  but that only lasts a few minutes.  The possibilities and combinations of what you can make are endless.  And, it's so much cheaper to make your own milks, it'll soon pay for itself.  Overall, I think I'm in love with this machine!

If you purchase one of these babies from my friends at, enter the word, "Karma" in the discount code and get $10 off purchase.  This offer expires October 31, 2010 and is good towards the SB-130 or SB-132 (has tofu kit!) models.


  1. Wow! I never knew how seemingly simple and non time-consuming making milk was! And your flavor choices sound so delicious! Quinoa and sesame?! Yum!

  2. What a great idea on using quinoa! Both milks look really good. Have you made coffee in it yet? I've been seriously looking into a soymilk maker, so glad you liked this one, it will help in my decision.

  3. Okay, quinoa milk? You're blowing my mind here! That sounds awesome!

  4. Very cool stuff! I had the most amazing quinoa milk when I was in Paris, but when I went home and tried making it myself, it was not at all the same- Grassy and bitter. I guess I really do need a soymilk maker... Or at least, that's what I'd like to convince myself of... What a fun gadget!

  5. Although the quinoa milk wasn't at all bitter, it did have a "grassy" flavor, which my husband wasn't too fond of, but I really liked.
