
Oct 22, 2009

Chocolate Covered Pomegranate

I'm adding pomegranate to the long list of things that are good covered in chocolate. After receiving a case full of them from Dad's tree, I decided to juice them, and save some (ok, a lot) to make chocolates. They're very easy to make. The hard part is getting the seeds out without pom juice squirting in your face. But once you got the hang of that, easier than pie!

Just place 3 or 4 cups of the seeds (called arils) on a towel to make sure they're dry on the outside. Melt chocolate in a double boiler (I used a bag of semi-sweet vegan chocolate chips), fold in the seeds and place spoonfuls onto parchment paper to cool. Put them in the fridge or freezer until hardened, and enjoy!

When you bite into them, you get a burst of the tart pomegranate juice mixed with the rich sweet dark chocolate. SO GOOD!


  1. Oh god - I think I love you.

    Pomegranates are one of my favorite fruits even though I can't find them very often.

    But covered in chocolate? That sounds amazing.

  2. Try placing the entire pomegranate in a bowl of water while removing seeds. Problem solved!

  3. Boy do those look delicious!!!
    Debra @ Vegan Family Style
    ps don't forget the giveaway on my blog

  4. that sounds like an awesome combination, i am nervous about the seed spitting though.

  5. LOL! Yeah, I'm a seed-spitter too... but all my friends swear that they swallow them without any problems.

  6. What a great idea! I just adore pomegranates... And what isn't enhanced by a bit of chocolate? ;)

  7. These look AMAZING! It's a combo I would have never thought of!

  8. Woah, this is like a combo of my two favorite things. What a great idea!
