Sweet local corn lightly brushed in a 10-Chile Vegennaise, sprinkled with extra hotness, and home-grown cilantro. Let me just say that I've never had so many people rave about something so simple!
A while back, Justin over at
Marx Foods sent me a rockin' package of dried chilies from their
Chile Sampler, with chilies ranging from mild and sweet to "the hottest in the world."

But first, I had to get me one of these puppies...

...to grind everything into a nice spicy rub. I used 10 different chilies, including the infamous "Ghost Chilies," which are considered to be the hottest. The other chilies mellowed it out, because the end result had a good kick, but wasn't too hot! Some of the chilies were still pretty pliable, so I toasted them lightly in the oven (300 degrees for a minute or two).

Added to the rub: brown sugar, salt, garlic powder, and smoked paprika. I mixed about a tablespoon of the rub with 1/2 C. of Vegennaise to brush lightly onto the corn. Sprinkle extra rub onto the corn if more heat is desired. Finish with chopped cilantro (optional).

You can use pre-made chile powder, but there's nothing like making your own!