
Apr 22, 2009

Home Made Dog Biscuits

Once in a while (okay, every day) I like to give my doggies a little treat for being good (okay, cute). I received some veggie dog treats in the mail today, courtesy of -they are based here in CA, and here's what they say on their site:

"...[We] respect strict rules of quality and eco-sustainability, and are exclusively free of dyes and artificial preservatives. No animals have been harmed in the making of these products."

...Not bad! But, will they pass the Doggie Approval Test? Well, here's your answer:

Dog #1 (Ahwahnee)

An appropriate "sit," followed by extreme fixation. She finished her's before I finished giving bones to the other two, but she's ravenous like that. Her motto is "seek and destroy."

Dog #2 (Jack)

"Oooh, what's that?"

He is by far the most entertaining in the way that he covets his treats, not allowing anyone near him until he finds a good place to hide it for later.

...Maybe he'll give a good gnaw or two when no one's around!

Just don't try and take it away, 'cause this dog's an expert at tug-o-war!

Dog #3 (Teo)

The oldest, and most nonchalant (and finicky) of the bunch- gave it an incredulous look, sniff, and an ultimate lick.

Then, finally embraced the treat by munching in a very mature, casual fashion.

"Mmm... not bad- may I have another, please?"

Yummy Peanut Butter Doggie Biscuits
Inspired, I decided to whip up a batch of treats myself. They'll all be my best friend when they get a whiff!

Makes about one dozen dog biscuits

1 C. whole wheat flour
1 C. whole oats
1/2 C. natural peanut butter
3 T. molasses
3/4 C. water

Mix everything to form a stiff dough. Roll into balls and flatten to about 1/2" thick and arrange in a prepared baking pan. Bake at 300 degrees for 30 minutes, turn off heat and let sit in the oven until nice and hard.


  1. fun! i've been thinking about making some biscuits for my pups lately. i'll use your recipe.

  2. I love how you documented this! :)

  3. aw, it's so cute how you did dog reviews!
    also, those biscuits you made seem like something i'd eat! haha embarrassing

  4. @Nora: Haha! Yeah- I tried them & they're not bad, just hard on your teeth.

  5. I'm sure my dogs would wolf these down in seconds. Thanks for the recipe!

  6. Oh, Strummer ( likes the Croky corn flavor. I bought them in Sweden! I brought a bone home as well, but she didn't go for it.
