
Oct 3, 2010

PFB #3: Fantasy Dinner Party

lux·u·ry n. 1. An object, service, or experience that is both out of the ordinary and conducive to joy and pleasure.  ...What could be more luxurious than a dinner party out of one's imagination?

You are Invited to  
My Fantasy Luxury Dinner Party!
Play along with me?

The Theme
Top Iron Chef Masters, Judges' Table
It is a tranquil evening, unseasonably moderate for early October.  You are seated at a beautiful candle-lit table setting for eight, on a elegant stone terrace that overlooks an incredible ocean sunset.  One by one, guests start to arrive, and seated amongst you are some intriguingly friendly faces that you don't know, as well as some you do!  In the background, a soft yet lively arrangement of music plays, and just as you have finished taking in the view and thoughts start to wander, in walks myself, and...
The Chefs!

Their Challenge
As the host, I reveal that they must each create a flavorful and exotic three-course meal for the 8 guest judges seated here tonight.

Surprise Twist
"But there is a twist," I add, in my best Colicchio impersonation.  
"Your dishes [dramatic pause]... must be vegan
[close-up of the chefs' faces: Morimoto- no change; Bayless- slight, but friendly smirk; Cora- closes her eyes with slight irritation, but quickly looks up with a steel-like determination]
...As master chefs, this will be a challenge- but not one you can't handle!"

The Guests
I love an intimate table of people sharing the same conversation.  Too many, and you lose some of that magic.  Close your eyes and imagine all of your favorite people, from present and/or past.  Now narrow it down to 4 people.

My Picks:
1)  Mike- a.k.a. DJ Destiny, husband extraordinaire, lover of all things fun and creative, wit like a whip, sushi connoisseur, and can play a wicked set on the DJ decks if I ask.
2)  Cee- Best friend, expert dietician (registered!), foodie with a very discerning palette, chocolate lover, expert baker of cupcakes and bubble bread.
3) Mark- a.k.a. MC Storm, Brother from another mother, class clown, owner of two restaurants, Ex-Coordinator of Hard Rock Cafe Marketing and Entertainment (US), and extreme foodie from England.
4) You, and all your wonderfulness!

Celebrity Guests
(It's a fantasy, right?)... Now think of 2 people that you've never met, but would love to invite to this table.  Would it be a famous chef?  Oprah?  Robin Williams?  President Obama?

My Picks:
1) Ellen Degeneres- will definitely write about this on Twitter, and would be the first to get up and dance!
2) Betty White- will sit there and be Betty White, who could complain about that?
Plus, they're both extremely funny, lovable, will appreciate the veg menu, and love animals... which leads to my next guest.

Special Celebrity Guest
One more spot is reserved for a famous fictional character.  Again, why not?  It's a fantasy!

My Pick:
Scooby-Doo- I just love a dog who can speak human in a doggy accent, and besides, he's a lovable character with an infectious laugh and a voracious stoner-like appetite (just gotta make sure he'll keep his paws off everyone else's plates- hehehehehehe!).  

... Now cue music, and insert commercial break for Buick Lacrosse and (shamless plugs)

Now, its time to watch the chefs prepare our meals in Kitchen Stadium (which is conveniently located just inside the terrace).  The incredible aromas fill the air, as Alton Brown adds his usual colorful commentary and the Chairman does back- flips off one of the stages.
The Matrix Lady's voice finally counts down from 10, as the chefs and their helpers scurry around for last-second plating!  "10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.." [unnecessarily loud air horn goes off] The chefs raise their arms quickly, as if being held up by muggers, marking the end of the battle.   
 "And now, to the Judges' Table!" I yell enthusiastically.

Appetizer Round
"Please describe your point of view, and what you have made for us." 

Rick Bayless's Original:  Tamal de Pato
Cat Cora's Original:  Greek Style Nachos
Main Course Round

Morimoto's Original: Sushi Platter and Shikaimaki Sushi
Cat Cora's Original: Sweet Corn Risotto with Herbs de Provence
Dessert Round

Rick Bayless's Churros and Mexican Hot Chocolate -Churro Recipe

Reactions from Judges' Table

"These dishes were so exotic, I'm gonna Twitter my fans and ask them if they can identify what was on my plate- first to get it right will win a Buick!"

"I haven't had vegetables this good since that time I was a guest star on Gilligan's Island!"

"I ROVE regetables!  Even more than Scooby-Snacks! Hehehehehehehe!"

As judges, no one could pick a clear winner, as every dish was beyond perfection, dream-like even.  We all looked at each other for a moment, bellies warm, backs slouched in our seats, each of us in our own state of content euphoria.  "Should we make them do a Breakfast Round tomorrow morning?" one clever member sluggishly offered.  That apparently sounded good to everyone, as we all grunted sleepily in approval.  

Who would you pick as the winner?  Leave a comment and let me know. I'll be sure to read it tomorrow... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

If you liked this post, you can vote for me here.

Disclaimer: VegSpinz in no way claims that any of the above quotes are real or a true reflection of any person's words or character. This is a fictional work, based on the author's own quirky interpretations.


  1. This is beyond brilliant. I loved every word. p.s. I pick Rick

  2. your dinner party is so cool and creative, I'll be voting for you :). Good luck.

  3. Rooks re-rishis! Spoken in Scooby accent! Best of luck!

  4. This is so funny and original! For me, it's a tie between Rick and Marimoto.

  5. So Clever! So Fun!
    Rick's my man!
    Good luck!

  6. Amazing, creative, fantasy, and great menu!

    Congratulations and good luck!

    Bon appetit!

  7. Clever, clever, clever. Voting, voting, voting!

  8. so whimsical!!! voted.

    (see my entry here: )

  9. I love this post. It's super creative and unique. And I love your celebrity guest choices. Not to mention, everything looks delicious. Good luck!

  10. Love, love, love, love, love this! I can't pick a winner (except you, of course) because I just want every dish. And I also vote for getting them to do the breakfast round, and maybe another dinner round, and...

  11. Witty and quirky! My vote's in. Good luck!

  12. I smiled from beginning to end--wonderful post! Extra points for inviting a Beloved Character from Childhood. Oh, and Scooby Doo, too! lol

    Would vote more than once if I could:)

  13. What a fun post! So creative! Hope we both make it to the next round! :-) You have my vote!

  14. Creativity wins my vote. Good luck.

  15. So creative! I love the way you tackled this challenge. Great to see someone else creating delicious vegan menu :) You have my vote!

  16. very creative! great job!

  17. Hilarious. A great read...As a guest judge I will take the part of the soft-voiced but not-too-bright Japanese actress/popstar who never has anything very incisive to add:
    ' Chef Rick's dishes are hmmm.....salty.....and have some vegetables in them.....hmmmmm........but I think morimoto's have hmmmmm..........more vegetables, so I, huh, I'll be voting for his dish. Yes.'

  18. @Fiona: Haha! I love it- Iron Chef Japan is just great comedy!

  19. What a wonderful and fun post! Very inventive for sure. You definitely put alot of work into this. I'll be voting.

  20. Cute post!! I love all of the judges' comments... and you food looks delish! Those greek nachos sound amazing., Great job on this challenge.... good luck!

  21. I love Netty White - and Gilligan's Island was made on Hawaii. I love Hawaii!!!
