
Jan 18, 2009

Skillet Potato Fritatta

I've been experimenting a lot lately, and haven't been coming up with anything blog-worthy. I guess you could call it "blogger's block." So Mark (my housemate) stepped up again, and saved the day! I wasn't sure what to call this, and for once, Mark was stumped too- no clever nasty names to think of (thank God)! It has layers of thinly sliced potatoes, grilled onions, and tofu salad that I threw together, resulting in a delicious breakfast treat... not really a fritatta in the traditional sense, but has that sliceable cake-like quality, so I went with that. There wasn't a written recipe made, so I'll describe what he did.

By the way, Mark is only 90% vegan, but came to our household a fully-fledged omnivore- leaning more towards lacto-ovo-carnivore, just last year. Needless to say, he's lost over 20 lbs. and is singing the praises of veganism, but still has his little binges outside of the house, as well as that small chunk of cheese he keeps way back in the 2nd fridge in the garage that he doesn't know I know about! Gotta love the guy for trying though!

Ok, back to business!
1) This layered potato dish starts by adding a thin coating of olive or canola oil to the bottom of an oven-safe skillet.
2) Layer thinly-sliced potatoes in a spiral-ish pattern on the bottom of the skillet, and season with salt and pepper.
3) Then, add a layer of grilled onions, and a thin layer of Eggy Tofu Salad. Press each layer down a bit to make it flat.
4) Then, add another layer of potatoes (like the first one), and seaon the top with a little more salt (he used ground sea salt), cracked black pepper, and a sprinkling of dried dill.
5) Drizzle a small amount of oil on top and put the whole skillet into a 425 degree oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until the whole thing moves together in one big block when you jiggle the pan. Broil for a few minutes to brown the top, then remove from the oven and wait for it to cool down slightly before turning it out onto a platter uspide down. You may need to let it cool a bit more so the slices stay intact.

1 comment:

  1. Love that cartoon! And that frittata looks amazingly good. Caramelized potatoes: I'm in heaven!
