
Jan 8, 2009

Cocoa Nib Almond Cookies

I finally got a box of roasted cocoa nibs, which I've been meaning to try for some time now. But when I got them home and "nibbed" on some, I realized that this wasn't something I particularly wanted to snack on straight from the box. They're good and bitter, and also nut-like in texture, and linger on the tongue to the point of requiring a serious palette cleanser! My pack of Wriggley's Spearmint was my savior.

After contemplating the fact that I had just spent 7 bucks on this gourmet treat, I was determined to find a good use for them. I found this recipe from the Alice Medrich's Bittersweet, and "vegspun" it by simply swapping Earth Balance for the butter.

The result was a cross between a shortbread and a biscotti, with a great almond flavor and crunch which definitely complimented the almost coffee-like flavor of the nibs. As soon as the aroma filled the room, everyone in the house was drawn to the kitchen like the cookie-eating zombies that they are. Must...have...cookie!


3/4 C. almonds
1 C. plus 2 T. all-purpose flour
2/3 C. sugar
1/4 t. salt
6 T. Earth Balance Buttery Sticks, cut into chunks
2 T. water
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/8 tsp. almond extract
1/4 C. roasted cocoa nibs


Proccess the almonds, flour, sugar, and salt until the almonds are reduced to a fine meal. Add the Earth Balance and pulse until it looks crumbly. Combine the water, vanilla, and almond extract in a small bowl, then add and pulse just until just incorporated. Add the cocoa nibs and pulse a few more times to mix in evenly.

Turn out the dough onto a large sheet of foil and press it together with your hands to form a 6 x 9 inch rectangle, that's about a 1/2 inch thick. Wrap it up in the foil tightly and refrigerate on a flat surface until the dough is nice and firm (an hour or two, or more). Unwrap and cut into thin strips (about 1/4" thick). Carefully transfer the delicate strips to a prepared cookie sheet about an inch apart, and bake for 12-14 minutes at 350 degrees, or until edges are golden.

Makes about 30, 6-inch sticks


  1. I picked up some nibs quite some time ago on sale, but havent even opened the bag. Well, now that I have your review I definatly won't be snacking on them. I think they will have to find their place in a smoothie or your yummy looking cookies.

  2. Hmm, I've never had cocoa nibs, Karma. Where do you buy them? They sound interesting, and I'd love to try.
    The cookies look delicious! I love anything with almonds in it.

  3. Hey,Vaishali- I found them at my local health food market (The Davis Co-op, but I would guess that they'd be available at most Whole Foods..? The raw nibs are very popular amongst the raw foodies.
